TN UNITED gives back to the local community in a variety of ways: Ministry Partnerships, Charitable Causes, and School Basketball Sponsorships. Organizations we have partnered with:
Second Harvest Food Bank
Toys for Tots
Sevier Heights
Backpacks for the Homeless
Children’s Hospital
Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame

This is a free Back 2 School Clinic at the Dick's House of Sport at the West Town Mall. We ask that you please bring a donation of a school supply to our check in table. Each kid will receive a t- shirt and a Dick's coupon. We will have 2 sessions, and they will have limited spots.
This is open to anyone, but you must be signed up.
Session 1: 2-3:15 pm
Session 2: 3:30-4:45pm
Our mission
TN United is a youth sports organization. We base our program on 4 pillars: Relentless, Pride, Commitment and Attitude. We want to be Relentless in our pursuit of being our best every day. Take Pride in all the small things that we do daily.
Show commitment in all the different areas of our life. Have a positive attitude each day. Our mission is Planting Seeds for Christ Through Basketball. The club places a high priority on providing a “RELENTLESS” experience. This impact is seen both ON and OFF the court.
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