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TN united

Basketball Club

TN United Basketball Club

TN UNited Mission

                                          "ONE MORE"

Show commitment in all the different areas of our life. Have a positive attitude each day. Our mission is Planting Seeds for Christ Through Basketball. The club places a high priority on providing a “One More” experience. This impact is seen both ON and OFF the court.

The premise of The Power of "One More" is simple. You're much closer to the life you dream of than you think you are. You're often only one more book, one more relationship, one more decision, one more rep, one more prayer or one more thought away from leading the life you deserve.

Our experienced coaches work closely with each player to help them reach their full potential. We offer a range of programs for players of all levels, including skill-building clinics, leagues, and travel teams. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, we have a program that is right for you.


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Parents & Players can see the results

Sarah Stinnett

TN United is not only a wonderful basketball organization, it is a family. We are so blessed to be a part of this program. Harper has gained such strong basketball knowledge and skill sets to help get her to the next level with her incredible coach, but also to being a great teammate and person in life. This is also apparent when watching the “olders” and the “youngers” cheering each other on. We are ONE family.

Bryan Head

As a parent that has had kids playing on different travel teams in the past we knew we wanted a different experience.   An experience that valued player development, development as person and an environment that was positive.   This past season with TN United we accomplished all those things and so much more!   One of those for us was seeing our kids become leaders.  I also love how they invest not only into the players but into their coaches. They have a standard across the board that all coaches are held accountable to. TN United is bigger than just basketball. It is a game changer for youth sports!

Andy Arhnet

My family’s AAU experience with Tennessee United this past year was phenomenal. Balancing winning and development at a young age is extremely difficult. Coach Pancratz is everything you want from an AAU coach as a coach and as an example for our 4th grade daughter. Practices were organized and fruitful, and our time was never wasted.

Ginger Tucker

I have two girls play for TN United, and it was an amazing experience. The girls had great coaches, that were supported by the organization, and worked together like a family. The coaches were not left alone to figure things out, they are supported by an organization that prides itself on player development as well as coaches development. TN United lives by their mission statement, and pours into the athletes and community better than any other AAU organization I have been apart of. My girls have grown as players, people and made friendships that will last a lifetime.

Shan Hailstone

Tennessee United has been so good for my daughter. So many great coaches and opportunities for my daughter to grow. Tennessee United is not just another basketball organization but a basketball family! We’re forever grateful for Tennessee United!

Brad Beck

If you want your kids to learn the game, learn to compete, and have fun while they’re doing it.

Annah O’Hara

Our experience with TN United this season has made a lasting impact. Our daughters have experienced so much growth, development, and fun in an environment we could trust. The motivated coaches cultivated confidence and accountability week to week, as they poured into the players with knowledge and heart. Gathering and competing with this club, these great families, has been such a joy.

TN United is building a program centered around what's truly important in youth sports and I look forward to see how God will use this platform in our community.

Forrest Gladson

TN United Basketball has been a great experience for my daughter this year! This organization is very organized and keeps you up to date with monthly happenings within the program.

The Coaches at TN United are Top notch and Focus on the whole person and not just the player. My daughter continues to improve under their leadership.


Megan Mossburg

This year with Tennessee United has been nothing short of amazing. The growth we have seen in Jazmine both on and off the court has been incredible. From the coaches, to all the families, we have truly been blessed to be apart of this organization. This organization is going to change the basketball scene in East Tennessee for along time to come. They definitely have a we not me attitude. Again, we are just so thankful to be apart of such a great organization.

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Meet the coaches

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